2022-10-122024-09-04Comedy, Fox + Kitty Puppet Shows, Fox and Kitty BasicsFirst Take Part 1 Fox “;-) + Kitty {‘;-D
2022-09-192022-10-12Fox + Kitty Puppet Shows, Fox and Kitty Basics, Fox and Kitty CreditsMEET THE CAST
2022-07-022022-07-02Aerosols, Comedy, Droplets, Fox + Kitty Puppet Shows, Fox and Kitty Credits, Liz about pea shooters, Liz the LizardLiz on Viruses – 2 – Pea Shooters
2022-06-282022-06-28Comedy, Fox + Kitty Puppet Shows, Fox and Kitty Basics, Liz is a Chameleon too, Liz the LizardKitty introduces Liz
2022-06-212022-10-12Comedy, Fox + Kitty Puppet Shows, Fox and Kitty BasicsThe Fox and the Kitty – Ta-Dah!