Stonehenge Midsummer 2005

Who built Stonehenge?

What happened to them?

About things like this, you never get the answers you really want.   It’s frustrating.  So I’ll try to help and you let me know what you want to know (rlgordonjr@hushmail.com (PhD in Archaeology but this is for laughs “;-))

When I’m intoxicated, people appear to me who say they are WOSKs.  They say they talk to their dear departed by singing and dancing and drinking mead with herbs.  They say their homeland is on the coast of France.  I have seen them dancing and singing on their holy days, at their funeral rites and wakes.  With these recordings I’m trying to reproduce their dance-songs, or at least to give you an impression of what they sound like. They also made up some routines to explain their ways to us.

The name of their nation reminded me of “Eusk-” the name the Basques call themselves.  It’s for sure some of their distant ancestors lived in Western Europe and its western isles BEFORE the PIE folks (Primitive Indo-Europeans = white folks) moved in. The WOSKs lived in Western Europe and the British Isles with a heyday between 4000 and 2500 BCE, so they were the ones who built the megalithic tombs and henge monuments such as Stonehenge, as far north as the Orkneys and south to Spain.

The climate was and is OCEANIC, a constant supply of moisture and mild temperatures, ideal for supporting life for a SETTLED HUNTING AND GATHERING ECONOMY – not roaming and not farming. This type of culture, previously considered rare, continued to thrive in the Pacific Northwest, an area with that same Oceanic climate, until recently. The sad remnants of these proud peoples and their cultures survive there today, bringing us numerous living and recent examples of otherwise unknowable elements of such cultures: their languages and social customs; artefacts like totem poles, masks, canoes, houses, the techniques for making all of these, and the meaning of all of these for the people who made them.  (Check out the TOTEM POLE shaming Wm Seward.) Many foolish things have been written about them. The best account comes from a chief of the Squamish people, August Jack Khatsahlano. (https://archive.org/details/ConversationsWithKhahtsahlano1932-1954) We are grateful to him.

The peoples of the Pacific Northwest were like the WOSKs and others of pre-white Western Europe, but the details were totally different.  The monuments are silent.  For Western Europe, it was necessary to tease out the few elements remembered and recorded by the people who succeeded or replaced them, in chants of the bards, in songs, dances and stories of the Basque, Breton, Celtic, Gaelic, Welsh and other peoples. Little bits like the names of the divisions of the solar year, for example.

So it is marvelous to receive much clearer messages in dreams and visions, as if watching films of them, that fill a person with a wealth of good vibes and scenes of simple ways of life AND TRUE EQUALITY.